
Utility Billing Information

The bills contain charges for natural gas, water, sewer, storm sewer, garbage and recycling services for the residents of Circle Pines.  Centennial Utilities services portions of Lino Lake & Blaine for natural gas services only.

Utility bills are due by the 25th of the month.

Payment Options:
  • Pay Online
  • Direct Payment
  • Pay by Mail
    Payments can be mailed to Centennial Utilities 200 Civic Heights Circle Circle Pines, MN 55014 If you have any questions about your bill, please call Centennial Utilities at 763-784-6751.
  • Make a Payment in Person
    Payments can be made in person at Centennial Utilities Office located at 200 Civic Heights Circle in Circle Pines. If you have any questions about your bill, please call 763-784-6751.
  • Pay by telephone
    Make a payment by phone any time of day by calling our toll-free number 1-833-543-9098.

Equal Payment Plan
Centennial Utilities would like to encourage residential customers to enroll in the equal payment plan. The equal payment plan helps manage payment peaks in the winter months by spreading natural gas costs evenly throughout the year. The equal payment amount will be based on past usage, and the expected prices for the various utilities provided to you by Centennial Utilities. The equal payment amount will be re-evaluated twice during the heating season and then approximately six months later to determine whether the energy price changes have warranted an adjustment in the monthly payment. For more information, call 763-784-6751. Equal Payment Customers Urged to Review Accounts

Typically, Centennial Utilities customers on the equal payment plan build a credit during summer months to help offset the high-usage months of winter. Due to last winter’s higher-than-normal natural gas usage, many customers on the equal payment plan have accounts that are showing little or no credit.

Customers on the equal payment plan are urged to consider making an extra payment to their account or make higher monthly payments to help build the credit they would normally have at this time and to avoid a $20 to $25 increase in their equal payment amount. Equal payment accounts are scheduled to be adjusted in September with new amounts to be reflected on the October bill.