
Centennial Utilities provides sewer maintenance throughout the city of Circle Pines. Three lift stations in the city of Circle Pines pump sewage to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission System for treatment. for which Centennial Utilities pays a monthly charge. Centennial Utilities uses a jetter truck to clean out sewer lines (pictured above). Approximately one-third of the system is cleaned out each year to help prevent sewer line blockages.

Sewer Backups If your sewer backs up call Centennial Utilities at 763-784-6751. Our staff will determine if the problem is in the sewer line main or in your line.

Notice: ‘Disposable’ Does Not Mean ‘Flushable’ Cloth-like material is continuing to be found as the cause of blockages in Centennial Utilities sewer system lift station pumps. Several times a month, utilities workers are responding to lift station alarms to find stringy cloths blocking the pumps. The material could be anything from shop towels to kitchen and bathroom wipes, but most closely resembles those used for wet floor mopping.

Residents are reminded that if a product claims to be "disposable," it does not mean it’s "flushable." Product packaging clearly indicates disposal into a trash can. Also, items claiming to be biodegradable do not necessarily break down well enough to be put into a sewer system.

According to Public Works Superintendent Rich Lavell, blockages to the lift station pumps cause pump failures and could potentially result in sewer backups into homes. "People don’t realize the impact of extra costs involved when we need to call in an outside contractor to take care of this problem because we don’t have the equipment to handle it," he said.


Items you should NOT place in the toilet include:

  • "flushable" toilet brushes and pads
  • "flushable" toilet wipes
  • wet mopping cloths
  • cleaning pads and cloths
  • baby diapers
  • puppy training pads

If you have questions on how to properly dispose of household waste, contact Centennial Utilities at 763-784-6751.


What Goes Down your Drains?
Centennial Utilities and the Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services are concerned about what is put down household toilets and drains. As they work to protect the environment they ask that you do not put automotive fluids, pesticides, solvent, and other similar substances down the drain. Please read the label and avoid buying hazardous household chemicals that read: caution, warning, danger, flammable, volatile, caustic, poison. For alternate cleaning agents use baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice. Call Anoka County for more information on pollution prevention and alternative disposal methods at 763-323-5730.